Contact Us


At, we undertake to provide you with the most honest and up-to-date news and information on the online gaming industry. We are also very open to handle any questions, requests for clarifications, corrections, suggestions, and constructive criticism about the content on our site or any of our services.

If you have any issue you would like us to address, contact our customer care team via email at support(at)

Notably, due to a large amount of mail sent our way on a daily basis, we may not be able to respond to your issue immediately. However, we make sure to respond to all relevant messages within 7 days, so you may want to wait for a week or so before re-sending your email.

If you want a quick reply, use the Contact Form below, outlining your specific query, and email address for easier correspondence. We typically respond to contact form messages within 72 hours as long as they are relevant.

Advisably, you may want to read through the FAQ section to see whether your question is already solved before you send a message.